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HERBS 24% OFF SALE - Email Subscribers Only

Grow Herbs Indoors

Growing herbs indoors will give you fresh flavors right at your fingertips. In addition, sprouting herbs indoors will bring greenery into your home and provide fresh flavors for cooking. Use Discount Code: SPRING24

Scroll down to GERMINATE & GROW for tips on growing herbs indoors.

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CUCURBITS 24% OFF SALE - Email Subscribers Only

Cucurbits (including cucumbers, zucchini, squash, and gourds)These vegetables also prefer warm soil and can be directly seeded or planted as transplants in April. Cucumbers require space to spread out, and support for the vines as they grow.

CUCURBITES - 24% OFF April 15 - 21.

Discount Code: SPRING24

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Formed in 2021, UJAMAA SEEDS is the entrepreneurial program of the Ujamaa Cooperative Farming Alliance (UCFA). UCFA is a program of STEAM ONWARD, Inc., a 501c3 non-profit organization, organized in the state of Maryland.

The mission of UCFA is to increase diversity in the $15 billion dollar U.S. seed industry.  We are committed to providing increased opportunities and support for growers from historically marginalized communities in the area of seed farming. To this end, the UCFA is working to bridge the gap between prospective BIPOC seed growers and seed companies. 


Take advantage of these deep discounts as we prepare for the launching of our 2024 seed collection.


Growing herbs indoors can be a rewarding endeavor, giving you fresh flavors right at your fingertips. In addition, herbs sprouting up indoors can be a rewarding way to bring some greenery into your home and have fresh flavors on hand for cooking. Here are some useful tips to help you get started and keep your herbs thriving:

Choose the Right Herbs: Some herbs are more suited to indoor growing than others. Basil, chives, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, and thyme are all excellent choices for indoor gardens.

Provide Adequate Light: Herbs need about six to eight hours of sunlight per day. If you don’t have a sunny windowsill, consider using a grow light. Position the light about six inches above the plants and keep it on for the recommended amount of time.

Use Well-Draining Soil: Herbs don't like to sit in wet soil, so use a potting mix designed for indoor plants, which typically has good drainage. Adding a bit of perlite or sand can improve drainage further.

Water Properly: Water your herbs when the top inch of soil feels dry. Be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. Herbs like to be moist, but not soggy.

Choose the Right Containers: Make sure your pots have drainage holes to allow excess water to escape. You can use almost any container, but terracotta pots are particularly good for herbs because they allow the soil to breathe.

Fertilize Sparingly: Herbs generally require less fertilizer than other plants. Use a half-strength, balanced fertilizer every four to six weeks during the growing season.

Prune Regularly: Pruning encourages growth and prevents the plants from becoming leggy. Regularly harvesting the tops of your herbs will help keep them bushy and productive.

Control the Environment: Keep the temperature around your herbs comfortable (65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal). Avoid placing your herbs near cold drafts or excessive heat sources.

Watch for Pests: Keep an eye out for common pests such as aphids and spider mites. If you spot pests, you can usually wash them off with a gentle spray of water or use insecticidal soap.

Acclimate Outdoor Herbs: If you're moving herbs indoors from the outside, gradually acclimate them to the lower light levels inside your home to prevent shock.  By following these tips, you can enjoy a variety of fresh herbs in your kitchen, adding a burst of flavor to your cooking all year round.


If you don’t want to play in potted soil, consider cress.  Growing cress indoors in a bowl is a simple and quick way to enjoy fresh greens. Cress, with its peppery flavor, is perfect for salads, sandwiches, and garnishes. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Choose Your Bowl: Select a shallow bowl or dish. It doesn’t need to be very deep since cress roots are shallow.

Prepare the Growing Medium: You can use paper towels, cotton wool, or a thin layer of soil as a growing medium. Paper towels or cotton wool are cleaner and easier to manage, especially for beginners. If using paper towels, lay them flat to completely cover the bottom of the bowl. If using soil, fill the bowl with about an inch of potting mix.

Moisten the Medium: Thoroughly wet the paper towels or cotton wool with water until it’s evenly moist but not soaking. If using soil, water it until it’s damp all the way through.

Sow the Seeds: Sprinkle the cress seeds evenly over the surface of your chosen medium. You don't need to bury them; just make sure they are in contact with the moist surface. Use a generous amount of seeds, as cress is typically grown densely.

Cover the Bowl (Optional): You can cover the bowl with another bowl or a clear plastic wrap to create a mini-greenhouse effect. This helps maintain moisture and warmth. If you cover the seeds, be sure to remove the cover once the seeds start to germinate to prevent mold growth.

Place in a Bright Location: Place the bowl in a spot that receives indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can be too intense and might dry out the seeds too quickly.

Keep the Medium Moist: Keep the paper towels or cotton wool moist at all times. If using soil, water lightly whenever the surface feels dry. Avoid overwatering as cress roots are quite delicate.

Watch Them Grow: Cress seeds germinate very quickly, often within just a couple of days. You can start harvesting as soon as the plants are about 2 inches tall, which usually takes about one to two weeks.

Harvest: To harvest, simply snip the cress just above the root line with scissors. You can harvest what you need and allow the rest to continue growing, although cress is best eaten young.

Growing cress in a bowl is an easy and satisfying project, especially for those new to indoor gardening or teaching children about plant growth. Enjoy your fresh cress in a variety of dishes!


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The urban gardening movement is a social and environmental initiative that encourages the cultivation of plants and food in densely populated urban areas. This movement has gained momentum in recent years, driven by a variety of factors including a desire for local and sustainable food sources, the need for green spaces within cities, community development, and concerns about food security.

Here are some key aspects of the urban gardening movement:

  1. Community Gardens: These are shared spaces where people come together to grow fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Community gardens not only provide fresh produce but also serve as centers for community engagement, education, and social interaction.
  2. Rooftop Gardens: Utilizing the often-underused space atop buildings, rooftop gardens can help reduce a building's temperature, improve air quality, and provide a green oasis in the concrete jungle. They can be used for food production or simply as recreational green spaces.
  3. Vertical Gardens: In cities where horizontal space is limited, vertical gardening uses walls and other vertical surfaces to grow plants. This innovative approach can beautify urban environments, improve air quality, and even contribute to building insulation.  
  4. Window Farms and Balcony Gardens: Urban dwellers with limited space can use window sills and balconies to grow herbs, vegetables, and ornamental plants. This small-scale gardening can contribute to personal well-being and reduce one's carbon footprint.
  5. Guerrilla Gardening: This is a more activist-oriented aspect of urban gardening where individuals plant gardens in neglected public spaces, such as road medians and unused plots, often without official authorization. The goal is to transform these areas into green, productive spaces.
  6. Edible Landscaping: This approach integrates food-producing plants into urban landscapes, turning ornamental gardens and public spaces into areas that also yield fruits and vegetables.  
  7. Sustainability and Education: Urban gardening promotes sustainability by reducing food miles, encouraging composting, and using organic growing methods. Educational programs associated with urban gardens can teach community members about nutrition, food systems, and environmental stewardship.
  8. Social Cohesion: Urban gardens often become communal spaces that foster a sense of belonging and collective responsibility. They can bridge diverse communities, providing a common ground for interaction and cooperation.
  9. Economic Benefits: Urban gardening can help reduce grocery bills, create green jobs, and stimulate local economies through the sale of surplus produce.
  10. Health and Well-being: Beyond providing fresh food, urban gardens offer mental and physical health benefits. Gardening activities can reduce stress, encourage physical activity, and provide a sense of achievement and connection to nature.

The urban gardening movement is characterized by its adaptability and innovation, finding ways to integrate green spaces into the urban fabric despite challenges such as limited space and soil contamination. It reflects a broader shift towards more sustainable and community-oriented urban living.

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Growing flowers in your vegetable garden can provide a range of benefits that enhance the health, productivity, and beauty of the garden space. Here are some reasons why integrating flowers among vegetables is a good practice:

  1. Pollinator Attraction: Flowers are excellent at attracting pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and birds. These pollinators are crucial for the fertilization of many vegetable plants, leading to better fruit and seed production.
  2. Pest Control: Certain flowers can repel unwanted insects or attract beneficial insects that prey on common garden pests. For example, marigolds are known to repel nematodes and other pests, while flowers like calendula attract beneficial insects that consume aphids and other harmful pests.
  3. Companion Planting: Some flowers, when planted alongside specific vegetables, can improve the growth and flavor of vegetables through companion planting. This can be due to various factors, including the deterrence of pests, improved soil health, and more efficient use of space.
  4. Biodiversity: Incorporating a variety of flowers increases the garden's biodiversity, leading to a more resilient and balanced ecosystem. This diversity can help to reduce the incidence of diseases and pests while promoting a healthier, more vibrant garden environment. 
  5. Soil Health: Some flowers, such as those from the legume family, can fix nitrogen in the soil, making it available to neighboring plants. This natural fertilization can reduce the need for chemical fertilizers and improve overall soil health.
  6. Aesthetic Appeal: Beyond the practical benefits, flowers add beauty and color to vegetable gardens, making the space more enjoyable and inviting. This aesthetic appeal can enhance the gardening experience and even encourage more time spent in the garden, which can lead to better maintenance and care of the vegetable plants.
  7. Cutting Garden: Growing flowers in your vegetable garden can also provide you with a ready supply of fresh flowers for bouquets and arrangements, adding a personal and decorative touch to your home.

By carefully selecting and positioning flowers within the vegetable garden, gardeners can create a harmonious and productive space that benefits from the unique advantages that flowers offer.

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