Accawmacke Broccoli Turnip Greens
Brassica rapa
Approximately 80 seeds per pack.
Germination ~ 84% Nov 2023 Packed for 2024
'Accawmacke Broccoli' is a rare variety of turnip greens from the Eastern Shore of Virginia. It can be grown year-round for its delicious greens, and overwintered to produce "broccoli raab" flower spikes in the spring.
TURNIP Accawmacke Broccoli is a unique and flavorful variety of broccoli that is known for its distinctive appearance and taste. It is a type of broccoli that has been selectively bred to have a sweet and nutty flavor profile, making it a popular choice among chefs and home cooks alike.
The name "TURNIP Accawmacke" refers to the turnip-like shape of the broccoli's head, which is round and slightly flattened. This gives it a distinctive appearance compared to traditional broccoli varieties, which typically have a more compact, tree-like shape.
Accawmacke Broccoli is known for its tender texture and mild, sweet taste. It has a slightly nutty flavor that sets it apart from other broccoli varieties, making it a versatile ingredient in various culinary applications. Its tender florets and stems can be used in salads, stir-fries, soups, and side dishes.
In terms of nutrition, TURNIP Accawmacke Broccoli is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, folate, and potassium. Additionally, it contains phytonutrients like sulforaphane, which has been linked to numerous health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.
Overall, Turnip Accawmacke Broccoli is a delicious and nutritious vegetable that adds flavor and variety to meals while providing numerous health benefits. Its unique shape, flavor, and nutritional profile make it a favorite among those looking to explore different broccoli varieties.
Ujamaa got these seeds from our partners at the Experimental Farm Network, who in turn got seed from Robert "Gus" Gustafson of Machipongo, Virginia. He got the seeds over a decade ago from a farmer in nearby Craddockville.
Here's what Gus wrote about this excellent plant, which he grows overlooking the Chesapeake Bay, back in 2020: "I have one 25 foot row of Accawmacke Broccoli turnip greens growing right now, principally for seed, although I have quite a bit of seed on hand from last year. I use [the seed] in baking, mainly as an additive to crackers along with benne [a Gullah-Geechee heirloom sesame]. I should get a gallon or more of seed from that row. Of course we also eat the leaves... We eat them as a mess o’ greens with smoked turkey meat through the winter but I also developed a great recipe for Accawmacke broccoli and oyster gratin that I think is excellent."