Ashworth Corn (Sweet)
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CORN Ashworth Sweet Zea mays subsp. mays
Approximately 50 seeds per pack.
Germination ~ 64% Packed for 2023
Fred Ashworth was the legendary nurseryman who founded St. Lawrence Nurseries in Potsdam, New York (north of the Adirondacks). He had an eye for plants and he understood that he wasn't the only one! The original name of this sweet corn (which Fred probably realized was not so marketable) was actually "Rat Selected", because he developed the variety from kernels he found in caches hoarded by rats in his barn. Fred suspected they were only selecting the sweetest kernels, and it seems he was right! This is an excellent open-pollinated short-season sweet corn.
PLANT DESCRIPTION: (Zea mays subsp. mays) Standing at an average of 5 feet tall, each stalk yields 1-2 ears filled with 12 rows of sunny yellow kernels, spanning 6-7 inches in length. With its wide adaptability, this corn thrives in various climates, promising a bountiful harvest. Like other sweet corn, ears should be picked and eaten quickly as they lose their sweetness rapidly post-harvest.
HISTORY: Fred Ashworth was the legendary nurseryman who founded St. Lawrence Nurseries in Potsdam, New York (north of the Adirondacks). He had an eye for plants and he understood that he wasn't the only one! The original name of this sweet corn (which Fred probably realized was not so marketable) was actually "Rat Selected" because he developed the variety from kernels he found in caches hoarded by rats in his barn. Fred suspected they were only selecting the sweetest kernels, and it seems he was right! This is an excellent open-pollinated short-season sweet corn.
NUTRITIONAL VALUE: Ashworth Sweet Corn is a good source of dietary fiber, supporting digestive health, and also contains essential vitamins, including Vitamin C and B-complex vitamins like niacin and folate, contributing to overall metabolic function. Additionally, it provides important minerals such as phosphorus and magnesium, which are crucial for bone health and muscle function.
FOOD PREP: Grilling enhances its natural sweetness and imparts a smoky flavor, making it a perfect addition to summer barbecues. Harvesting the kernels for use in salads, salsas, or as a topping for tacos adds a crisp and sweet element to various dishes. For a taste of tradition, you can also freeze or can the corn to enjoy its freshness year-round.
GROWING TIPS: Annual. Sweet corn seed requires a soil temperature of 65℉ to germinate well, otherwise seed may rot easily due to its high sugar content. Don’t rush your first planting; wait until after the first average frost-free date. Succession plantings can then be made 2-3 weeks apart. Sow seed 1 in. deep in rows 36 in. apart and thin to 6-12 in. apart within rows. Later, taller varieties need wider spacing than early, shorter varieties. For good pollination and well-filled ears, plant in blocks at least 5 rows wide.
NOTE: Corn smut forms large puffy, gray, irregular masses of fungus during dry hot weather. Corn smut is a delicacy in Mexico, but if you want corn rather than corn smut, remove and destroy the fungus; otherwise, the black spores will re-infest your corn for several years.