Chihuacle Negro Hot Pepper
Capsicum annuum
Approximately 25 seeds per pack.
Germination ~ 92% Packed for 2025
The first part of this pepper's name connotes that it's an ancient variety, while the second word, of course, means black. It doesn't actually become black in color, but it does get very dark brown. It's a small to medium-sized, bell-shaped, dark chocolate brown pepper with leathery flesh.
When dried, this pepper is a key ingredient in the classic mole negro from Oaxaca, Mexico (which is believed to be where the pepper itself originates). When ripe, the flesh inside is deep purple. With very thin walls, they dry rather easily. Fruit are a bit hotter than cayennes and are especially good roasted over an open flame before making into salsa or mole, or as a piquant ingredient in stir-fry.