Della Sorghum
Sorghum bicolor subsp. bicolor
Seeds per pack ~ 70.
Germination 85% Oct 2024 (Packed for 2025).
With a stalk height rising 0-11 ft. Della Sorghum is commonly grown throughout Africa as a grain as well as for syrup. Grown by growers at Ujamaa Cooperative Farming Alliance (UCFA) in Maryland.
'Della' is a mid-season sweet sorghum variety with good disease resistance. It also makes easily hand-threshed brown seed that is tasty and nutritious. Developed by Bob Harrison of Virginia Polytechnic Institute, it was released in December 1991. 'Della' matures about one week earlier than 'Dale' and about 6 days later than 'Sugar Drip'. Della is a backcross of 'Dale' — one of the modern sorghum-syrup-makers gold-standard varieties for excellent syrup quality — to an earlier maturing line. It is resistant to anthracnose and maize dwarf mosaic and is moderately susceptible to bacterial stripe. 'Della' is more prone to lodging (dipping over) compared to 'Dale' and is more variable in plant height. It is similar to 'Dale' in syrup quality. The biggest advantage of 'Della' is that it matures one week earlier than 'Dale' and thus would let you start cooking a little earlier in the fall. This was the very first seed crop produced by Ujamaa Seeds, in cooperation with our friends at Serenity Farm in Benedict, Maryland, so it is a sentimental favorite! It's also a darn-good dual-use sorghum!