Misato Rose Radish
Raphanus sativus
Seeds per pack ~ 75
Germination: 80% Mar 2025 (Packed for 2025)
The scarlet red flesh and a green/white skin make 'Misato Rose' a beautiful watermelon radish is a type of daikon radish known for its striking appearance. It has a round shape and a greenish-white skin that resembles a watermelon rind. Inside, the flesh is a vibrant pink or magenta color, giving it the watermelon-like look once cut open.
This radish variety is larger than common red radishes and has a milder, sweeter flavor compared to its peppery relatives. It is popular in salads and as a garnish due to its eye-catching color and mild taste.
Grown from late-summer planting (throughout August) for autumn harvest and storage for winter use (not recommended for spring planting). Spaced 4" apart, these roots get 4-6" in diameter, and make some serious winter food that is strikingly colorful and nutritious.
The flavor and texture is sweet and turnip-like, with a mild radish finish and recommends it for kim chi, shredded in beautiful cole slaw, or sliced and slivered into winter salads. Many people who profess to not like radishes actually like this one!