Mexican Mint Marigold
Tagetes lucida
Approximately ~ 60 seeds per packet Packed for 2025
Origins & Background: Mexican Mint Marigold (Tagetes lucida), also known as Texas tarragon, sweet marigold, or Mexican tarragon, is native to Mexico and Central America. It has been used for centuries by the Aztecs for culinary, medicinal, and ritual purposes. It thrives in warm climates and is often grown as a substitute for French tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) in hot regions where tarragon struggles. Mexican Mint Marigold is an excellent addition to herb gardens, offering culinary versatility, medicinal benefits, and ornamental beauty with minimal care.
Characteristics: Mexican Mint Marigold is a bushy perennial herb that that grows upright, 18–30 inches (45–75 cm) tall. It produces bright yellow, daisy-like flowers in late summer to fall. Produces narrow, lance-shaped leaves with a glossy green color.
The leaves emit a strong anise or licorice-like scent. The flavor is similar to French tarragon, with hints of anise and spice. It can be grown as a tender perennial in USDA zones 8–11 or as an annual in cooler zones. It is drought-tolerant and thrives in full sun with well-drained soil.
Mexican Mint Marigold has culinary, medicinal, and ornamental uses. It is used as a substitute for French tarragon in sauces, salads, soups, poultry, and fish dishes. The leaves are often chopped fresh or dried for seasoning. It is popular in Mexican cooking, particularly in chocolate and herbal teas.
As a medicinal Mexican Mint Marigold has traditionally been used to aid digestion and relieve stomach discomfort. It is sometimes brewed into a calming tea for relaxation and improved sleep.
As an ornamental the bright flowers attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. At the same time as a companion planting, the Mexican Mint Marigold helps repel insect pests in vegetable and herb gardens.
Growing Tips: Best grown from seeds or cuttings. Seeds should be started indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost or sown directly in warm soil.
Mexican Mint Marigold requires full sun (at least 6 hours per day). It prefers well-draining, sandy or loamy soil with a neutral to slightly acidic pH. Drought-tolerant once established, but prefers moderate watering (allow soil to dry slightly between waterings). Thrives in warm climates; sensitive to frost. Can also be propagated by stem cuttings in spring or summer.
Maintenance: Pinch back young plants to encourage bushier growth. Deadhead spent flowers to prolong blooming. In colder zones, grow in a container and bring indoors during winter.