Zapallo del Tronco Squash
Curcubita maxima
Seeds per pack ~ 20
Germination: 95% Oct 2023 Packed for 2024
The Zapallo del Tronco squash is a unique and versatile heirloom squash originating from South America, particularly from Argentina, Uruguay, and surrounding regions. It is part of the Cucurbita maxima species, which includes many other winter squashes and pumpkins. This squash is known for its distinct appearance, flavor, and adaptability. Popular in traditional South American dishes. Commonly used in soups, roasted dishes, purees, and even desserts.
This squash is prized not only for its culinary versatility but also for its beauty and manageable growth habit. It’s an excellent choice for gardeners looking to explore heirloom varieties or add a touch of South American heritage to their gardens.
Key Characteristics: The squash is small to medium-sized, typically round and slightly flattened, with a ribbed or scalloped exterior. The skin is a deep green color, often with lighter green or white streaks or speckles, depending on the growing conditions. The interior flesh is bright orange or yellow, dense, and sweet. It has a smooth texture, making it suitable for various culinary applications.
The taste is nutty and sweet, similar to butternut squash but slightly richer. It retains its flavor well when roasted, steamed, or pureed.
Growth Habits: It grows as a bush-type plant, making it suitable for smaller gardens or container gardening. The vines are compact compared to other squash varieties, making it easier to manage. The plant produces fruit relatively early in the season, and the yields are typically generous. Can be harvested young and used as a summer squash (tender and mild) or allowed to mature for use as a winter squash (sweeter and richer).
Growing Tips: Prefers warm weather and full sun; plant after the danger of frost has passed. Thrives in well-drained, fertile soil rich in organic matter. Requires consistent watering but does not tolerate soggy conditions. Needs about 2-3 feet between plants for proper growth and airflow. Like most squashes, it relies on pollinators, so it's beneficial to encourage bees and other pollinators in your garden.