Candyleaf Stevia
Stevia rebaudiana
Seeds per pack ~ 25
Botanical Sample (Packed for 2025)
Stevia, also known as Stevia rebaudiana, is a plant native to South America that is commonly used as a natural sweetener. The leaves of the Stevia plant contain compounds called steviol glycosides, which are intensely sweet-tasting chemicals. Among these glycosides, the most prominent and commonly used one is called "stevioside."
Stevia candyleaf, also known as stevia leaf or stevia herb, refers to the leaves of the Stevia plant. These leaves are harvested and processed to extract the sweet compounds within them. The sweetness of stevia is significantly sweeter than sugar, but it contains very few calories, making it a popular choice for people who are looking for a natural alternative to sugar.
Stevia candyleaf can be used in various forms, including:
- Dried Leaves: The leaves are dried and crushed into a powder, which can be used as a sugar substitute in cooking and baking.
- Liquid Extract: Stevia leaves can be steeped in water or alcohol to create a liquid extract that can be added to beverages and recipes for sweetness.
- Packaged Sweeteners: You can find stevia-based sweeteners in the form of packets, drops, or granules, which can be used to sweeten drinks and foods.
Stevia is known for its non-caloric nature and its ability to sweeten without causing spikes in blood sugar levels, making it a popular choice for individuals with diabetes or those looking to reduce their sugar intake. It is also considered safe when consumed in moderation, although some people may notice a slight aftertaste that varies from person to person.
Stevia has become quite famous over the past couple decades as people have sought safer (and better tasting) replacements for sugar than artificial sweeteners like aspartame and saccharin. Stevia became the first natural sweetener to really make a dent in the market. But most people never interact with the plant itself, and we're hoping that changes!