Wild Bergamot (Bee Balm)
Monarda fistulosa
Approximately 100 seeds per pack.
Germination ~ 89% Oct 2023
Joyful, gorgeous and deliciously medicinal, bee balm is easy to grow and tenaciously perennial. Also known as monarda or wild bergamot, Monarda fistulosa is native to the Northeast, attracting beneficial pollinators and building soil. Makes a delicious almost musky-flavored honey.
DAYS TO MATURITY: Germinates in 14-20 days, Mature in 1 year
PLANT DESCRIPTION: (Monarda fistulosa) Joyful, gorgeous, and deliciously medicinal, bee balm is easy to grow and tenaciously perennial. Also known as monarda or wild bergamot, Monarda fistulosa is native to the Northeast, attracting beneficial pollinators and building soil. Makes a delicious almost musky-flavored honey.
HISTORY: Wild Bergamot, also known as bee balm or Oswego tea, has a captivating botanical history rooted in North America. This perennial herb belongs to the mint family, Lamiaceae, and is native to the eastern and central regions of the continent. Indigenous peoples, such as the Oswego tribe, have a historical connection to this plant, using it for medicinal and culinary purposes.
COMMON USE: Wild bergamot has been utilized by Indigenous communities for its antimicrobial and digestive properties. Infusions made from its leaves were used to alleviate colds and aid in digestion. Culinarily, the aromatic leaves and flowers of wild bergamot can be incorporated into teas, and salads, or used as a flavoring agent in recipes, providing a unique, slightly spicy, and citrusy flavor. Additionally, the herb is valued in the culinary world for its role in creating herbal teas and enhancing the flavor of certain dishes.
GROWING TIPS: Perennial. Sow from early spring up until 8 weeks before the first frost in the fall. Direct seed or sow in a cold frame to be transplanted when they reach a height of 3-4". Sow about one seed per inch in rows 18" apart. Thin to 12-18" apart.